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// The first line should include the project name // The second and on at the same level will be the upper level // To add a sub level, use the TAB key // To manage your status and budget, register for free Central Bureau of Statistics specify Needs Determine needs for information Consult and confirm needs Establish output objectives Identify concepts Check data availability Prepare business case Design Design outputs Design variable descriptions Design data collection methodology Design frame and sample methodology Design statistical processing methodology design production system and workflow Build Build data collection instrument Build or enhance process components Configure workflow Test Production system Test statistical business process Finalize production system Collect Select sample Set up collection Run collection Finalize collection Process Integrate data Classify and code Review validate and edit Input Derive new variables and statistics units Calculate weights Calculate aggregates Finalize data files Analyze Prepare draft outputs Validate outputs Scrutinize explain Apply disclosure control Finalize outputs Disseminate Update output system Produce dissemination products Manage release of dissemination products Promote dissemination products Manage user support Archive Define archive rules Manage archive repository Preserve data and associated metadata Dispose of data and associated metadata Evaluate Gather evaluations inputs Conduct evaluation Agree action plan
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